Articles | Volume 14, issue 23
Research article
29 Nov 2017
Research article |  | 29 Nov 2017

The GEOVIDE cruise in May–June 2014 reveals an intense Meridional Overturning Circulation over a cold and fresh subpolar North Atlantic

Patricia Zunino, Pascale Lherminier, Herlé Mercier, Nathalie Daniault, Maribel I. García-Ibáñez, and Fiz F. Pérez


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Short summary
The heat content in the subpolar North Atlantic is in a new phase of long-term decrease from the mid-2000s, which intensified in 2013–2014. We focus on the pronounced heat content drop. In summer 2014, the MOC intensity was higher than the mean (2002–2012) and the heat transport was also relatively high. We show that the air–sea heat flux is responsible for most of the intense cooling. Concurrently, we observed freshwater content increase mainly explained by the air–sea freshwater flux.
Final-revised paper