Articles | Volume 15, issue 9
Research article
04 May 2018
Research article |  | 04 May 2018

Dynamics and controls of heterotrophic prokaryotic production in the western tropical South Pacific Ocean: links with diazotrophic and photosynthetic activity

France Van Wambeke, Audrey Gimenez, Solange Duhamel, Cécile Dupouy, Dominique Lefevre, Mireille Pujo-Pay, and Thierry Moutin


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Short summary
The western tropical South Pacific Ocean has recently been shown to be a hotspot for biological nitrogen fixation. In this study, we examined the horizontal and vertical distribution of heterotrophic prokaryotic production alongside photosynthetic rates, nitrogen fixation rates and phosphate turnover times across the western tropical South Pacific Ocean, in order to relate these fluxes to bottom–up controls (related to nitrogen, phosphate and labile C availability).
Final-revised paper