Articles | Volume 15, issue 9
Research article
17 May 2018
Research article |  | 17 May 2018

The 226Ra–Ba relationship in the North Atlantic during GEOTRACES-GA01

Emilie Le Roy, Virginie Sanial, Matthew A. Charette, Pieter van Beek, François Lacan, Stéphanie H. M. Jacquet, Paul B. Henderson, Marc Souhaut, Maribel I. García-Ibáñez, Catherine Jeandel, Fiz F. Pérez, and Géraldine Sarthou


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Short summary
We report detailed sections of radium-226 (226Ra, T1/2 = 1602 y) activities and barium (Ba) concentrations determined in the North Atlantic (Portugal–Greenland–Canada) in the framework of the international GEOTRACES program (GA01 section–GEOVIDE project, May–July 2014). Dissolved 226Ra and Ba are strongly correlated along the section, which may reflect their similar chemical behavior.
Final-revised paper