Articles | Volume 15, issue 20
Research article
18 Oct 2018
Research article |  | 18 Oct 2018

Latitudinal trends in stable isotope signatures and carbon-concentrating mechanisms of northeast Atlantic rhodoliths

Laurie C. Hofmann and Svenja Heesch

Data sets

Latitudinal trends in stable isotope signatures and carbon concentrating mechanisms of northeast Atlantic rhodoliths, PANGAEA L. C. Hofmann and S. Heesch

Short summary
The ability of marine macroalgae to adapt to changing ocean chemistry will depend on the flexibility of their inorganic carbon uptake mechanisms across biogeographic ranges. Therefore, we investigated the plasticity of inorganic carbon uptake mechanisms in north Atlantic rhodoliths – free-living calcifying red algae that form important benthic habitats in coastal environments. We observed flexible mechanisms related to seawater DIC concentrations, indicating the potential for adaptation.
Final-revised paper