Articles | Volume 15, issue 23
Research article
29 Nov 2018
Research article |  | 29 Nov 2018

Introduction to the French GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect (GA01): GEOVIDE cruise

Géraldine Sarthou, Pascale Lherminier, Eric P. Achterberg, Fernando Alonso-Pérez, Eva Bucciarelli, Julia Boutorh, Vincent Bouvier, Edward A. Boyle, Pierre Branellec, Lidia I. Carracedo, Nuria Casacuberta, Maxi Castrillejo, Marie Cheize, Leonardo Contreira Pereira, Daniel Cossa, Nathalie Daniault, Emmanuel De Saint-Léger, Frank Dehairs, Feifei Deng, Floriane Desprez de Gésincourt, Jérémy Devesa, Lorna Foliot, Debany Fonseca-Batista, Morgane Gallinari, Maribel I. García-Ibáñez, Arthur Gourain, Emilie Grossteffan, Michel Hamon, Lars Eric Heimbürger, Gideon M. Henderson, Catherine Jeandel, Catherine Kermabon, François Lacan, Philippe Le Bot, Manon Le Goff, Emilie Le Roy, Alison Lefèbvre, Stéphane Leizour, Nolwenn Lemaitre, Pere Masqué, Olivier Ménage, Jan-Lukas Menzel Barraqueta, Herlé Mercier, Fabien Perault, Fiz F. Pérez, Hélène F. Planquette, Frédéric Planchon, Arnout Roukaerts, Virginie Sanial, Raphaëlle Sauzède, Catherine Schmechtig, Rachel U. Shelley, Gillian Stewart, Jill N. Sutton, Yi Tang, Nadine Tisnérat-Laborde, Manon Tonnard, Paul Tréguer, Pieter van Beek, Cheryl M. Zurbrick, and Patricia Zunino


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Short summary
The GEOVIDE cruise (GEOTRACES Section GA01) was conducted in the North Atlantic Ocean and Labrador Sea in May–June 2014. In this special issue, results from GEOVIDE, including physical oceanography and trace element and isotope cyclings, are presented among 17 articles. Here, the scientific context, project objectives, and scientific strategy of GEOVIDE are provided, along with an overview of the main results from the articles published in the special issue.
Final-revised paper