Articles | Volume 15, issue 3
Research article
 | Highlight paper
13 Feb 2018
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 13 Feb 2018

Satellite remote sensing reveals a positive impact of living oyster reefs on microalgal biofilm development

Caroline Echappé, Pierre Gernez, Vona Méléder, Bruno Jesus, Bruno Cognie, Priscilla Decottignies, Koen Sabbe, and Laurent Barillé


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Short summary
Using satellite technology and a life-size experiment, we analysed the impact of oyster reefs on mats of microscopic algae that develop within coastal mudflats. We showed that the relationship between microalgae and oysters is not limited to a one-way process where microalgae are a food source to oysters, but that oysters also promote microalgae mats development, presumably by providing nutrients to them. This might yield new insights into coastal ecosystem management.
Final-revised paper