Articles | Volume 16, issue 13
Research article
11 Jul 2019
Research article |  | 11 Jul 2019

Collection of large benthic invertebrates in sediment traps in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica

Minkyoung Kim, Eun Jin Yang, Hyung Jeek Kim, Dongseon Kim, Tae-Wan Kim, Hyoung Sul La, SangHoon Lee, and Jeomshik Hwang


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Short summary
Unexpectedly, in sediment traps deployed in the Antarctic Amundsen Sea to catch small sinking particles in the water, large benthic invertebrates such as long and slender worms, baby sea urchins, and small scallops were found. We suggest three hypotheses: lifting of these animals by anchor ice formation and subsequent transport by ice rafting, spending their juvenile period in a habitat underneath the sea ice and subsequent falling, or their active use of the current as a means of dispersal.
Final-revised paper