Articles | Volume 16, issue 5
Research article
13 Mar 2019
Research article |  | 13 Mar 2019

Insights from year-long measurements of air–water CH4 and CO2 exchange in a coastal environment

Mingxi Yang, Thomas G. Bell, Ian J. Brown, James R. Fishwick, Vassilis Kitidis, Philip D. Nightingale, Andrew P. Rees, and Timothy J. Smyth

Data sets

Estimation of bubble-mediated air--sea gas exchange from concurrent DMS and CO2 transfer velocities at intermediate-high wind speeds T. G. Bell, S. Landwehr, S. D. Miller, W. J. de Bruyn, A. H. Callaghan, B. Scanlon, B. Ward, M. Yang, and E. S. Saltzman

Short summary
We quantify the emissions and uptake of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane from the coastal seas of the UK over 1 year using the state-of-the-art eddy covariance technique. Our measurements show how these air–sea fluxes vary twice a day (tidal), diurnally (circadian) and seasonally. We also estimate the air–sea gas transfer velocity, which is essential for modelling and predicting coastal air-sea exchange.
Final-revised paper