Articles | Volume 17, issue 12
Research article
29 Jun 2020
Research article |  | 29 Jun 2020

Decoupling of ΔO2∕Ar and particulate organic carbon dynamics in nearshore surface ocean waters

Sarah Z. Rosengard, Robert W. Izett, William J. Burt, Nina Schuback, and Philippe D. Tortell

Data sets

rosengard-tortell-oc2017 Sarah Z. Rosengard, Robert W. Izett, William J. Burt, Nina Schuback, and Philippe D. Tortell

Short summary
Net community production sets the maximum quantity of phytoplankton carbon available for the marine food web and longer-term storage in the deep ocean. We compared two approaches to estimate this critical variable from autonomous measurements of mixed-layer dissolved oxygen and particulate organic carbon, observing a significant discrepancy between estimates in an upwelling zone near the Oregon coast. We use this discrepancy to assess the fate of organic carbon produced in the mixed layer.
Final-revised paper