Articles | Volume 17, issue 18
Research article
16 Sep 2020
Research article |  | 16 Sep 2020

Modern calibration of Poa flabellata (tussac grass) as a new paleoclimate proxy in the South Atlantic

Dulcinea V. Groff, David G. Williams, and Jacquelyn L. Gill


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Short summary
Tussock grasses that grow along coastlines of the Falkland Islands are slow to decay and build up thick peat layers over thousands of years. Grass fragments found in ancient peat can be used to reconstruct past climate because grasses can preserve a record of growing conditions in their leaves. We found that modern living tussock grasses in the Falkland Islands reliably record temperature and humidity in their leaves, and the peat they form can be used to understand past climate change.
Final-revised paper