Articles | Volume 17, issue 2
Research article
30 Jan 2020
Research article |  | 30 Jan 2020

Zooplankton diel vertical migration and downward C flux into the oxygen minimum zone in the highly productive upwelling region off northern Chile

Pritha Tutasi and Ruben Escribano

Data sets

Faunal abundance and CTD measurements of stations T3, T5 and L6 from cruise Lowphox-I during December 2015, Chile P. Tutasi and R. Escribano

Faunal abundance and CTD measurements of stations T3, T5 and L6 from cruise Lowphox-I during December 2015, Chile P. Tutasi and R. Escribano

Short summary
Vertical migration of zooplankton has rarely been studied under the effect of a variable community structure, which depending on the behavior and size of its groups can strongly alter the magnitude of C being actively taken to depth by migrants. Here, we address this issue in a highly productive upwelling system, where a high amount of zooplankton can daily move below the mixed layer despite presence of an extremely low–oxygen water and so contribute to a significant export of C to depth.
Final-revised paper