Articles | Volume 17, issue 21
Research article
05 Nov 2020
Research article |  | 05 Nov 2020

Uncertainties, sensitivities and robustness of simulated water erosion in an EPIC-based global gridded crop model

Tony W. Carr, Juraj Balkovič, Paul E. Dodds, Christian Folberth, Emil Fulajtar, and Rastislav Skalsky


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Latest update: 01 Nov 2024
Short summary
We generate 30-year mean water erosion estimates in global maize and wheat fields based on daily simulation outputs from an EPIC-based global gridded crop model. Evaluation against field data confirmed the robustness of the outputs for the majority of global cropland and overestimations at locations with steep slopes and strong rainfall. Additionally, we address sensitivities and uncertainties of model inputs to improve water erosion estimates in global agricultural impact studies.
Final-revised paper