Research article
31 Jan 2020
Research article |

31 Jan 2020
Physical drivers of the nitrate seasonal variability in the Atlantic cold tongue
Marie-Hélène Radenac, Julien Jouanno, Christine Carine Tchamabi, Mesmin Awo, Bernard Bourlès, Sabine Arnault, and Olivier Aumont
Data sets
French PIRATA cruises: Chemical analysis data
B. Bourlès, F. Baurand, S. Hillion, P. Rousselot, J. Grelet,
C. Bachelier, F. Roubaud, Y. Gouriou, and R. Chuchla
French PIRATA cruises: S-ADCP data
B. Bourlès, G. Herbert, P. Rousselot, and J. Grelet
French PIRATA cruises: Mooring ADCP data
B. Bourlès, J. Habasque, P. Rousselot, J. Grelet, F. Roubaud,
C. Bachelier, and Y. Gouriou