Articles | Volume 17, issue 22
Research article
14 Nov 2020
Research article |  | 14 Nov 2020

The effects of decomposing invasive jellyfish on biogeochemical fluxes and microbial dynamics in an ultra-oligotrophic sea

Tamar Guy-Haim, Maxim Rubin-Blum, Eyal Rahav, Natalia Belkin, Jacob Silverman, and Guy Sisma-Ventura

Data sets

Experiment on biogeochemical changes following Rhopilema nomadica decomposition Tamar Guy-Haim, Maxim Rubin-Blum, Eyal Rahav, Natasha Belkin, Jacob Silverman, and Guy Sisma-Ventura

Short summary
The availability of nutrients in oligotrophic marine ecosystems is limited. Following jellyfish blooms, large die-off events result in the release of high amounts of nutrients to the water column and sediment. Our study assessed the decomposition effects of an infamous invasive jellyfish in the ultra-oligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean Sea. We found that jellyfish decomposition favored heterotrophic bacteria and altered biogeochemical fluxes, further impoverishing this nutrient-poor ecosystem.
Final-revised paper