Articles | Volume 17, issue 22
Research article
24 Nov 2020
Research article |  | 24 Nov 2020

Estimates of tree root water uptake from soil moisture profile dynamics

Conrad Jackisch, Samuel Knoblauch, Theresa Blume, Erwin Zehe, and Sibylle K. Hassler

Data sets

Rhizosphere soil moisture dynamics and sap flow - determining root water uptake in a case study in the Attert catchment in Luxembourg C. Jackisch, and S. K. Hassler

Model code and software

Rootwater Python Package: Initial release C. Jackisch

Short summary
We developed software to calculate the root water uptake (RWU) of beech tree roots from soil moisture dynamics. We present our approach and compare RWU to measured sap flow in the tree stem. The study relates to two sites that are similar in topography and weather but with contrasting soils. While sap flow is very similar between the two sites, the RWU is different. This suggests that soil characteristics have substantial influence. Our easy-to-implement RWU estimate may help further studies.
Final-revised paper