Articles | Volume 18, issue 4
Technical note
23 Feb 2021
Technical note |  | 23 Feb 2021

Technical note: Seamless gas measurements across the land–ocean aquatic continuum – corrections and evaluation of sensor data for CO2, CH4 and O2 from field deployments in contrasting environments

Anna Rose Canning, Peer Fietzek, Gregor Rehder, and Arne Körtzinger


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Short summary
The paper describes a novel, fully autonomous, multi-gas flow-through set-up for multiple gases that combines established, high-quality oceanographic sensors in a small and robust system designed for use across all salinities and all types of platforms. We describe the system and its performance in all relevant detail, including the corrections which improve the accuracy of these sensors, and illustrate how simultaneous multi-gas set-ups can provide an extremely high spatiotemporal resolution.
Final-revised paper