Articles | Volume 18, issue 10
Research article
20 May 2021
Research article |  | 20 May 2021

Rain-fed streams dilute inorganic nutrients but subsidise organic-matter-associated nutrients in coastal waters of the northeast Pacific Ocean

Kyra A. St. Pierre, Brian P. V. Hunt, Suzanne E. Tank, Ian Giesbrecht, Maartje C. Korver, William C. Floyd, Allison A. Oliver, and Kenneth P. Lertzman


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Short summary
Using 4 years of paired freshwater and marine water chemistry from the Central Coast of British Columbia (Canada), we show that coastal temperate rainforest streams are sources of organic nitrogen, iron, and carbon to the Pacific Ocean but not the inorganic nutrients easily used by marine phytoplankton. This distinction may have important implications for coastal food webs and highlights the need to sample all nutrients in fresh and marine waters year-round to fully understand coastal dynamics.
Final-revised paper