Articles | Volume 18, issue 10
Research article
20 May 2021
Research article |  | 20 May 2021

Methane oxidation in the waters of a humic-rich boreal lake stimulated by photosynthesis, nitrite, Fe(III) and humics

Sigrid van Grinsven, Kirsten Oswald, Bernhard Wehrli, Corinne Jegge, Jakob Zopfi, Moritz F. Lehmann, and Carsten J. Schubert


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Short summary
Lake Lovojärvi is a nutrient-rich lake with high amounts of methane at the bottom, but little near the top. Methane comes from the sediment and rises up through the water but is consumed by microorganisms along the way. They use oxygen if available, but in deeper water layers, no oxygen was present. There, nitrite, iron and humic substances were used, besides a collaboration between photosynthetic organisms and methane consumers, in which the first produced oxygen for the latter.
Final-revised paper