Articles | Volume 18, issue 18
Research article
23 Sep 2021
Research article |  | 23 Sep 2021

Sedimentation rate and organic matter dynamics shape microbiomes across a continental margin

Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, Tarunendu Mapder, Svetlana Fernandes, Chayan Roy, Jagannath Sarkar, Moidu Jameela Rameez, Subhrangshu Mandal, Abhijit Sar, Amit Kumar Chakraborty, Nibendu Mondal, Sumit Chatterjee, Bomba Dam, Aditya Peketi, Ranadhir Chakraborty, Aninda Mazumdar, and Wriddhiman Ghosh


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Short summary
Physicochemical determinants of microbiome architecture across continental shelves–slopes are unknown, so we explored the geomicrobiology along 3 m sediment horizons of seasonal (shallow coastal) and perennial (deep sea) hypoxic zones of the Arabian Sea. Nature, concentration, and fate of the organic matter delivered to the sea floor were found to shape the microbiome across the western Indian margin, under direct–indirect influence of sedimentation rate and water column O2 level.
Final-revised paper