Articles | Volume 19, issue 5
Ideas and perspectives
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09 Mar 2022
Ideas and perspectives | Highlight paper |  | 09 Mar 2022

Ideas and perspectives: Sea-level change, anaerobic methane oxidation, and the glacial–interglacial phosphorus cycle

Bjorn Sundby, Pierre Anschutz, Pascal Lecroart, and Alfonso Mucci


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Short summary
A glacial–interglacial methane-fuelled redistribution of reactive phosphorus between the oceanic and sedimentary phosphorus reservoirs can occur in the ocean when falling sea level lowers the pressure on the seafloor, destabilizes methane hydrates, and triggers the dissolution of P-bearing iron oxides. The mass of phosphate potentially mobilizable from the sediment is similar to the size of the current oceanic reservoir. Hence, this process may play a major role in the marine phosphorus cycle.
Final-revised paper