Articles | Volume 19, issue 17
Research article
31 Aug 2022
Research article |  | 31 Aug 2022

The dominant role of sunlight in degrading winter dissolved organic matter from a thermokarst lake in a subarctic peatland

Flora Mazoyer, Isabelle Laurion, and Milla Rautio

Data sets

Dissolved organic matter and bacterial data, along with associated temperature-irradiance metadata for a degradation experiment using winter water from a subarctic thermokarstic peatland lake in Nunavik, Québec, Canada. Flora Mazoyer, Isabelle Laurion, and Milla Rautio

Short summary
Dissolved organic matter collected at the end of winter from a peatland thermokarst lake was highly transformed and degraded by sunlight, leading to bacterial stimulation and CO2 production, but a fraction was also potentially lost by photoflocculation. Over 18 days, 18 % of the incubated dissolved organic matter was lost under sunlight, while dark bacterial degradation was negligible. Sunlight could have a marked effect on carbon cycling in organic-rich thermokarst lakes after ice-off.
Final-revised paper