Articles | Volume 19, issue 17
Research article
14 Sep 2022
Research article |  | 14 Sep 2022

Consistent responses of vegetation gas exchange to elevated atmospheric CO2 emerge from heuristic and optimization models

Stefano Manzoni, Simone Fatichi, Xue Feng, Gabriel G. Katul, Danielle Way, and Giulia Vico


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Short summary
Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) causes leaves to close their stomata (through which water evaporates) but also promotes leaf growth. Even if individual leaves save water, how much will be consumed by a whole plant with possibly more leaves? Using different mathematical models, we show that plant stands that are not very dense and can grow more leaves will benefit from higher CO2 by photosynthesizing more while adjusting their stomata to consume similar amounts of water.
Final-revised paper