Articles | Volume 19, issue 19
Research article
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12 Oct 2022
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 12 Oct 2022

Early life stages of a Mediterranean coral are vulnerable to ocean warming and acidification

Chloe Carbonne, Steeve Comeau, Phoebe T. W. Chan, Keyla Plichon, Jean-Pierre Gattuso, and Núria Teixidó


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Latest update: 13 Dec 2024
Carbonne et al. identified the concurrent impact of Ocean Acidification as well as ocean warming on larval survivorship of corals. The study focuses on more temperate corals and also demonstrates the impact of lowered ocean pH on larval settlement and growth afterwards. This nicely designed experiment and the conclusive results advance our understanding of human's biogeochemical footprint on important taxa in marine systems.
Short summary
For the first time, our study highlights the synergistic effects of a 9-month warming and acidification combined stress on the early life stages of a Mediterranean azooxanthellate coral, Astroides calycularis. Our results predict a decrease in dispersion, settlement, post-settlement linear extention, budding and survival under future global change and that larvae and recruits of A. calycularis are stages of interest for this Mediterranean coral resistance, resilience and conservation.
Final-revised paper