Articles | Volume 19, issue 21
Research article
07 Nov 2022
Research article |  | 07 Nov 2022

Monitoring vegetation condition using microwave remote sensing: the standardized vegetation optical depth index (SVODI)

Leander Moesinger, Ruxandra-Maria Zotta, Robin van der Schalie, Tracy Scanlon, Richard de Jeu, and Wouter Dorigo


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Short summary
The standardized vegetation optical depth index (SVODI) can be used to monitor the vegetation condition, such as whether the vegetation is unusually dry or wet. SVODI has global coverage, spans the past 3 decades and is derived from multiple spaceborne passive microwave sensors of that period. SVODI is based on a new probabilistic merging method that allows the merging of normally distributed data even if the data are not gap-free.
Final-revised paper