Articles | Volume 20, issue 11
Research article
15 Jun 2023
Research article |  | 15 Jun 2023

Seasonal controls override forest harvesting effects on the composition of dissolved organic matter mobilized from boreal forest soil organic horizons

Keri L. Bowering, Kate A. Edwards, and Susan E. Ziegler

Data sets

Seasonal controls override forest harvesting effects on the composition of dissolved organic matter mobilized from boreal forest soil organic horizons (1.0) Keri L. Bowering, Kate A. Edwards, and Susan E. Ziegler

Short summary
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) mobilized from surface soils is a source of carbon (C) for deeper mineral horizons but also a mechanism of C loss. Composition of DOM mobilized in boreal forests varied more by season than as a result of forest harvesting. Results suggest reduced snowmelt and increased fall precipitation enhance DOM properties promoting mineral soil C stores. These findings, coupled with hydrology, can inform on soil C fate and boreal forest C balance in response to climate change.
Final-revised paper