Articles | Volume 20, issue 12
Research article
20 Jun 2023
Research article |  | 20 Jun 2023

Assessing global-scale organic matter reactivity patterns in marine sediments using a lognormal reactive continuum model

Sinan Xu, Bo Liu, Sandra Arndt, Sabine Kasten, and Zijun Wu

Data sets

Codes and datasets for assessing global-scale organic matter reactivity patterns in marine sediments using a lognormal reactive continuum model Sinan Xu

Short summary
We use a reactive continuum model based on a lognormal distribution (l-RCM) to inversely determine model parameters μ and σ at 123 sites across the global ocean. Our results show organic matter (OM) reactivity is more than 3 orders of magnitude higher in shelf than in abyssal regions. In addition, OM reactivity is higher than predicted in some specific regions, yet the l-RCM can still capture OM reactivity features in these regions.
Final-revised paper