Articles | Volume 20, issue 16
BG Letters
 | Highlight paper
18 Aug 2023
BG Letters | Highlight paper |  | 18 Aug 2023

Potential bioavailability of representative pyrogenic organic matter compounds in comparison to natural dissolved organic matter pools

Emily B. Graham, Hyun-Seob Song, Samantha Grieger, Vanessa A. Garayburu-Caruso, James C. Stegen, Kevin D. Bladon, and Allison N. Myers-Pigg


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Latest update: 23 Dec 2024
Intensifying wildfire regimes in many parts of the world are increasing the production of pyrogenic organic matter (PyOM), with potential implications for water supplies that are critical for domestic, industrial, agricultural, and ecological needs. This study provides a novel assessment of the influence of PyOM on aquatic ecosystems and showed that PyOM can be actively transformed in aquatic ecosystems and may be an increasing source of C emissions to the atmosphere as the prevalence of wildfires increases.
Short summary
Intensifying wildfires are increasing pyrogenic organic matter (PyOM) production and its impact on water quality. Recent work indicates that PyOM may have a greater impact on aquatic biogeochemistry than previously assumed, driven by higher bioavailability. We provide a full assessment of the potential bioavailability of PyOM across its chemical spectrum. We indicate that PyOM can be actively transformed within the river corridor and, therefore, may be a growing source of riverine C emissions.
Final-revised paper