Articles | Volume 20, issue 19
Research article
12 Oct 2023
Research article |  | 12 Oct 2023

The fingerprint of climate variability on the surface ocean cycling of iron and its isotopes

Daniela König and Alessandro Tagliabue

Data sets

The Fingerprint of Climate Variability on the Surface Ocean Cycling of Iron and its Isotopes D. König and A. Tagliabue

Short summary
Using model simulations, we show that natural and anthropogenic changes in the global climate leave a distinct fingerprint in the isotopic signatures of iron in the surface ocean. We find that these climate effects on iron isotopes are often caused by the redistribution of iron from different external sources to the ocean, due to changes in ocean currents, and by changes in algal growth, which take up iron. Thus, isotopes may help detect climate-induced changes in iron supply and algal uptake.
Final-revised paper