Articles | Volume 20, issue 2
Research article
01 Feb 2023
Research article |  | 01 Feb 2023

Soil organic matter diagenetic state informs boreal forest ecosystem feedbacks to climate change

Allison N. Myers-Pigg, Karl Kaiser, Ronald Benner, and Susan E. Ziegler

Data sets

Lignin Phenols NL-BELT Soils Datasets Allison Myers-Pigg, Karl Kaiser, Ronald Benner, and Susan E. Ziegler

Short summary
Boreal forests, historically a global sink for atmospheric CO2, store carbon in vast soil reservoirs. To predict how such stores will respond to climate warming we need to understand climate–ecosystem feedbacks. We find boreal forest soil carbon stores are maintained through enhanced nitrogen cycling with climate warming, providing direct evidence for a key feedback. Further application of the approach demonstrated here will improve our understanding of the limits of climate–ecosystem feedbacks.
Final-revised paper