Articles | Volume 20, issue 5
Research article
09 Mar 2023
Research article |  | 09 Mar 2023

Zooplankton community succession and trophic links during a mesocosm experiment in the coastal upwelling off Callao Bay (Peru)

Patricia Ayón Dejo, Elda Luz Pinedo Arteaga, Anna Schukat, Jan Taucher, Rainer Kiko, Helena Hauss, Sabrina Dorschner, Wilhelm Hagen, Mariona Segura-Noguera, and Silke Lischka

Data sets

Response of zooplankton community succession and trophic links to simulated upwelling conditions during a mesocosm experiment in the coastal upwelling off Callao Bay (Peru) in austral summer 2017 (KOSMOS 2017 Peru mesocosm study). Lischka, Silke; Ayón, Patricia; Pinedo Arteaga, Elda Luz; Schukat, Anna; Taucher, Jan; Kiko, Rainer; Hauss, Helena; Dorschner, Sabrina; Hagen, Wilhelm; Segura-Noguera, Mariona

Short summary
Ocean upwelling regions are highly productive. With ocean warming, severe changes in upwelling frequency and/or intensity and expansion of accompanying oxygen minimum zones are projected. In a field experiment off Peru, we investigated how different upwelling intensities affect the pelagic food web and found failed reproduction of dominant zooplankton. The changes projected could severely impact the reproductive success of zooplankton communities and the pelagic food web in upwelling regions.
Final-revised paper