Articles | Volume 21, issue 6
Research article
28 Mar 2024
Research article |  | 28 Mar 2024

Diurnal versus spatial variability of greenhouse gas emissions from an anthropogenically modified lowland river in Germany

Matthias Koschorreck, Norbert Kamjunke, Uta Koedel, Michael Rode, Claudia Schuetze, and Ingeborg Bussmann

Data sets

Soil respiration data measured with LI-7810 CH4/CO2/H2O Trace Gas Analyzer in Tangermuende/Germany in August U Koedel and C. Schütze

Short summary
We measured the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) from different sites at the river Elbe in Germany over 3 days to find out what is more important for quantification: small-scale spatial variability or diurnal temporal variability. We found that CO2 emissions were very different between day and night, while CH4 emissions were more different between sites. Dried out river sediments contributed to CO2 emissions, while the side areas of the river were important CH4 sources.
Final-revised paper