Articles | Volume 21, issue 7
Technical note
17 Apr 2024
Technical note |  | 17 Apr 2024

Technical note: Preventing CO2 overestimation from mercuric or copper(II) chloride preservation of dissolved greenhouse gases in freshwater samples

François Clayer, Jan Erik Thrane, Kuria Ndungu, Andrew King, Peter Dörsch, and Thomas Rohrlack

Data sets

Dataset for "Technical Note: Preventing CO2 overestimation from mercuric or copper (II) chloride preservation of dissolved greenhouse gases in freshwater samples F. Clayer et al.

Short summary
Determination of dissolved greenhouse gas (GHG) in freshwater allows us to estimate GHG fluxes. Mercuric chloride (HgCl2) is used to preserve water samples prior to GHG analysis despite its environmental and health impacts and interferences with water chemistry in freshwater. Here, we tested the effects of HgCl2, two substitutes and storage time on GHG in water from two boreal lakes. Preservation with HgCl2 caused overestimation of CO2 concentration with consequences for GHG flux estimation.
Final-revised paper