Articles | Volume 21, issue 18
Research article
19 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 19 Sep 2024

Mechanisms of soil organic carbon and nitrogen stabilization in mineral-associated organic matter – insights from modeling in phase space

Stefano Manzoni and M. Francesca Cotrufo

Data sets

Particulate and mineral associated organic matter from ¹³C and ¹⁵N residue labelling studies from 2002 to 2024 Stefano Manzoni et al.

Short summary
Organic carbon and nitrogen are stabilized in soils via microbial assimilation and stabilization of necromass (in vivo pathway) or via adsorption of the products of extracellular decomposition (ex vivo pathway). Here we use a diagnostic model to quantify which stabilization pathway is prevalent using data on residue-derived carbon and nitrogen incorporation in mineral-associated organic matter. We find that the in vivo pathway is dominant in fine-textured soils with low organic matter content.
Final-revised paper