Articles | Volume 21, issue 19
Research article
01 Oct 2024
Research article |  | 01 Oct 2024

The geothermal gradient shapes microbial diversity and processes in natural-gas-bearing sedimentary aquifers

Taiki Katayama, Hideyoshi Yoshioka, Toshiro Yamanaka, Susumu Sakata, and Yasuaki Hanamura


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Short summary
To understand microbial processes in deep sedimentary environments where the majority of Earth’s prokaryotes are found, we investigated the microbial communities in microbial natural-gas-bearing aquifers at temperatures of 38–81°C, situated above nonmicrobial oil-bearing sediments. Our results indicate that microbial carbon and sulfur cycling is driven by geothermal heating, showing previously overlooked geothermal-heat-driven geochemical and microbiological processes in the deep biosphere.
Final-revised paper