Articles | Volume 21, issue 20
Research article
21 Oct 2024
Research article |  | 21 Oct 2024

The role of nitrogen and iron biogeochemical cycles in the production and export of dissolved organic matter in agricultural headwater catchments

Thibault Lambert, Rémi Dupas, and Patrick Durand


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Latest update: 27 Oct 2024
Short summary
This study investigates dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export in headwater catchments. Results show small links between DOC, nitrates, and the iron cycle throughout the year, calling into question our current conceptualization of DOC export at the catchment scale. Indeed, this study evidences that the winter period, referred as a non-productive period in our current conceptual model, acts as an active period for DOC production in riparian soils and DOC export toward stream waters.
Final-revised paper