Articles | Volume 21, issue 20
Research article
22 Oct 2024
Research article |  | 22 Oct 2024

Position-specific kinetic isotope effects for nitrous oxide: a new expansion of the Rayleigh model

Elise D. Rivett, Wenjuan Ma, Nathaniel E. Ostrom, and Eric L. Hegg


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Short summary
Many different processes produce nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas. Measuring the ratio of heavy and light nitrogen isotopes (15N/14N) for the non-exchangeable central and outer N atoms of N2O helps to distinguish sources of N2O. To accurately calculate the position-specific isotopic preference, we developed an expansion of the widely used Rayleigh model. Application of our new model to simulated and experimental data demonstrates its improved accuracy for analyzing N2O synthesis.
Final-revised paper