Articles | Volume 21, issue 23
Research article
09 Dec 2024
Research article |  | 09 Dec 2024

Methods to characterize type, relevance, and interactions of organic matter and microorganisms in fluids along the flow path of a geothermal facility

Alessio Leins, Danaé Bregnard, Andrea Vieth-Hillebrand, Stefanie Poetz, Florian Eichinger, Guillaume Cailleau, Pilar Junier, and Simona Regenspurg

Data sets

Dissolved organic compounds in geothermal fluids used for energy production–part II Alessio Leins et al.

Short summary
Organic matter and microbial fluid analysis are rarely considered in the geothermal industry and research. However, they can have a significant impact on the efficiency of geothermal energy production. We found a high diversity of organic compound compositions in our samples and were able to differentiate them with respect to different sources (e.g. artificial and biogenic). Furthermore, the microbial diversity undergoes significant changes within the flow path of a geothermal power plant.
Final-revised paper