Articles | Volume 9, issue 10
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Northern peatland carbon stocks and dynamics: a review
Z. C. Yu
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lehigh University, 1 West Packer Avenue, Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA
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511 citations as recorded by crossref.
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8 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Carbon accumulation rates in two poor fens with different water regimes: Influence of anthropogenic impact and environmental change B. Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł et al. 10.1177/0959683614544062
- A rapid method for landscape assessment of carbon storage and ecosystem function in moss and lichen ground layers R. Smith et al. 10.1639/0007-2745-118.1.032
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- Climatic and autogenic control on Holocene carbon sequestration in ombrotrophic peatlands of maritime Quebec, eastern Canada G. Magnan & M. Garneau 10.1177/0959683614540727
- The carbon stock of alpine peatlands on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau during the Holocene and their future fate H. Chen et al. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.05.003
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- Holocene peatland carbon dynamics in Patagonia J. Loisel & Z. Yu 10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.02.023
- Peatland paleohydrology in the southern West Siberian Lowlands: Comparison of multiple testate amoeba transfer functions, sites, and Sphagnum δ13C values K. Willis et al. 10.1177/0959683615585833
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