27 Aug 2018
 | 27 Aug 2018
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Spatial pattern of Kd(PAR) and its relationship with light absorption of optically active components in inland waters across China

Zhidan Wen, Kaishan Song, Chong Fang, Qian Yang, Ge Liu, Yingxin Shang, and Xiaodi Wang

Abstract. The spatial distribution of the attenuation of photosynthetic active radiation (Kd(PAR)) was routinely estimated in China lakes and reservoirs. Higher mean value of Kd(PAR) was observed in Northeastern plain and mountainous region (NER). A linear model is used to predict Kd(PAR), as a function of light absorption coefficient of pigment particulates (aphy), colored dissolved organic matters (aCDOM), and inorganic particulate matters (aNAP): Kd(PAR) = 0.41 + 0.57 × aCDOM + 0.96 × aNAP + 0.57 × aphy (R2 = 0.87, n = 741, p < 0.001). Spatial Kd(PAR) was relatively dependent on the inorganic particulate matters (average relative contribution of 57.95 %). When only consider the contribution of absorption of aOACs to Kd(PAR), the results found that the aOACs could explain 70 %–87 % of Kd(PAR) variations. In the lakes with low TSM concentration and non-eutrophic lakes with high TSM, aCDOM was the most powerful predicting factor on Kd(PAR). In eutrophic lakes with high TSM, aNAP had the most significant impact on Kd(PAR). This study allowed Kd(PAR) to be predicted from aOACs values in the inland waters. Besides, results of this study are suggesting that new studies on the variability of Kd(PAR) in inland waters must consider the hydrodynamic conditions, trophic status and the distribution of optically active components within the water column.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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Zhidan Wen, Kaishan Song, Chong Fang, Qian Yang, Ge Liu, Yingxin Shang, and Xiaodi Wang

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Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Zhidan Wen, Kaishan Song, Chong Fang, Qian Yang, Ge Liu, Yingxin Shang, and Xiaodi Wang
Zhidan Wen, Kaishan Song, Chong Fang, Qian Yang, Ge Liu, Yingxin Shang, and Xiaodi Wang


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Short summary
The spatial distribution of the attenuation of photosynthetic active radiation (Kd(PAR)) was routinely estimated in China lakes and reservoirs. The light absorption coefficient of OACs could explain 70 %–87 % of Kd(PAR) variations. Kd(PAR) could be predicted from aOACs values in the inland waters. Besides, results of this study are suggesting that new studies on the variability of Kd(PAR) in inland waters must consider the hydrodynamic conditions, trophic status and OACs within the water column.