27 Mar 2020
 | 27 Mar 2020
Status: this discussion paper is a preprint. It has been under review for the journal Biogeosciences (BG). The manuscript was not accepted for further review after discussion.

Improved parameterization of the weathering kinetics module in the PROFILE and ForSAFE models

Harald Ulrik Sverdrup, Eric H. Oelkers, Martin Erlandsson Lampa, Salim Belyazid, Daniel Kurz, and Cecilia Akselsson

Abstract. Although the PROFILE and ForSAFE model can accurately reproduce the chemical and mineralogical evolution of the soil unsaturated zone, it overestimates weathering rates in deeper soil layers and in groundwater systems. This overestimation has been corrected by improving the kinetic expression describing mineral dissolution by adding or upgrading braking functions. The base cation and aluminium brakes have been strengthened, and an additional silicate brake has been developed, improving the ability to describe mineral- water reactions in deeper soils. These brakes are developed from a molecular-level model of the dissolution mechanisms. Equations, parameters and constants describing mineral dissolution kinetics have now been obtained for 113 minerals from 12 major structural groups, comprising all types of minerals encountered in most soils. The PROFILE and ForSAFE weathering sub-model was extended to cover two-dimensional catchments, both in the vertical and the horizontal direction, including the hydrology. Comparisons between this improved model and field observations are available in Erlandsson Lampa et al. (2019, This special issue). The results showed that the incorporation of a braking effect of silica concentrations was necessary and helps obtain more accurate descriptions of soil evolution rates at greater depths and within the saturated zone.

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Harald Ulrik Sverdrup, Eric H. Oelkers, Martin Erlandsson Lampa, Salim Belyazid, Daniel Kurz, and Cecilia Akselsson
Harald Ulrik Sverdrup, Eric H. Oelkers, Martin Erlandsson Lampa, Salim Belyazid, Daniel Kurz, and Cecilia Akselsson
Harald Ulrik Sverdrup, Eric H. Oelkers, Martin Erlandsson Lampa, Salim Belyazid, Daniel Kurz, and Cecilia Akselsson


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Short summary
Equations, parameters and constants describing mineral dissolution kinetics have now been obtained for 113 minerals from 12 major structural groups, comprising all types of minerals encountered in most soils. The PROFILE and ForSAFE weathering sub-model was extended to cover two-dimensional catchments, both in the vertical and the horizontal direction, including the hydrology.