Articles | Volume 12, issue 7
Research article
07 Apr 2015
Research article |  | 07 Apr 2015

Using O2 to study the relationships between soil CO2 efflux and soil respiration

A. Angert, D. Yakir, M. Rodeghiero, Y. Preisler, E. A. Davidson, and T. Weiner

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Comparison of CO2 and O2 fluxes demonstrate retention of respired CO2 in tree stems from a range of tree species
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Technical Note: The effect of vertical turbulent mixing on gross O2 production assessments by the triple isotopic composition of dissolved O2
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Internal respiration of Amazon tree stems greatly exceeds external CO2 efflux
A. Angert, J. Muhr, R. Negron Juarez, W. Alegria Muñoz, G. Kraemer, J. Ramirez Santillan, E. Barkan, S. Mazeh, J. Q. Chambers, and S. E. Trumbore
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Cited articles

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Angert, A., Muhr, J., Negron Juarez, R., Alegria Muñoz, W., Kraemer, G., Ramirez Santillan, J., Barkan, E., Mazeh, S., Chambers, J. Q., and Trumbore, S. E.: Internal respiration of Amazon tree stems greatly exceeds external CO2 efflux, Biogeosciences, 9, 4979–4991,, 2012.
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Final-revised paper