Articles | Volume 12, issue 22
Research article
23 Nov 2015
Research article |  | 23 Nov 2015

Integrated radar and lidar analysis reveals extensive loss of remaining intact forest on Sumatra 2007–2010

M. B. Collins and E. T. A. Mitchard


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Short summary
We integrated satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR), lidar, and forest plot data to calculate the amount and loss of above-ground biomass in remaining tall natural forests in a section of Sumatra, with quantified uncertainties. We estimate very high deforestation rates of 3.8% yr-1 and the loss of 11.3% remaining forest biomass in only 3 years. L-band SAR is valuable for penetrating cloud for deforestation analyses and for reliably estimating the carbon emissions from land use change.
Final-revised paper