Articles | Volume 13, issue 14
Research article
18 Jul 2016
Research article |  | 18 Jul 2016

Nitrogen fixation in sediments along a depth transect through the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone

Jessica Gier, Stefan Sommer, Carolin R. Löscher, Andrew W. Dale, Ruth A. Schmitz, and Tina Treude


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Short summary
Benthic nitrogen fixation and sulfate reduction were investigated in the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone. The data suggest a coupling of both activities to a large extent, but that also sulfide and organic matter availability are controlling the benthic diazotrophy in this area. The molecular analysis confirms the presence of heterotrophic diazotrophs. This work improves our understanding of N cycling in OMZ sediments and the understanding of N sources in the marine environment.
Final-revised paper