Articles | Volume 14, issue 13
Research article
05 Jul 2017
Research article |  | 05 Jul 2017

Biogenic sediments from coastal ecosystems to beach–dune systems: implications for the adaptation of mixed and carbonate beaches to future sea level rise

Giovanni De Falco, Emanuela Molinaroli, Alessandro Conforti, Simone Simeone, and Renato Tonielli

Data sets

Data Repository De Falco et al. 2017 Biogeosciences, 14, 1-15, 2017 De Falco et al.

Short summary
This study quantifies the contribution of carbonate sediments, produced in seagrass meadows and in photophilic algal communities, to the sediment budget of a beach–dune system. The contribution to the beach sediment budget represents a further ecosystem service provided by seagrass. The dependence of the beach sediment budget on carbonate production associated with coastal ecosystems has implications for the adaptation of carbonate beaches to the seagrass decline and sea level rise.
Final-revised paper