Articles | Volume 14, issue 13
Research article
10 Jul 2017
Research article |  | 10 Jul 2017

Modification of the RothC model to simulate soil C mineralization of exogenous organic matter

Claudio Mondini, Maria Luz Cayuela, Tania Sinicco, Flavio Fornasier, Antonia Galvez, and Miguel Angel Sánchez-Monedero


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Short summary
Current soil C models do not adequately describe the quality of the amendments added to fields. In this study, we propose a modification of the soil C model "RothC" that was found to be effective in simulating the response of laboratory-incubated soils treated with contrasting amendments. We think that these findings could help to develop better soil C models and improve predictions of the effects of different amendments on soil organic matter dynamics on agricultural and managed land.
Final-revised paper