Articles | Volume 15, issue 6
Research article
29 Mar 2018
Research article |  | 29 Mar 2018

Carbon amendment stimulates benthic nitrogen cycling during the bioremediation of particulate aquaculture waste

Georgina Robinson, Thomas MacTavish, Candida Savage, Gary S. Caldwell, Clifford L. W. Jones, Trevor Probyn, Bradley D. Eyre, and Selina M. Stead


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Short summary
This study examined the effect of adding carbon to a sediment-based effluent treatment system to treat nitrogen-rich aquaculture waste. The research was conducted in incubation chambers to measure the exchange of gases and nutrients across the sediment–water interface and examine changes in the sediment microbial community. Adding carbon increased the amount of nitrogen retained in the treatment system, thereby reducing the levels of nitrogen needing to be discharged to the environment.
Final-revised paper