Articles | Volume 15, issue 11
Research article
04 Jun 2018
Research article |  | 04 Jun 2018

Methane-oxidizing seawater microbial communities from an Arctic shelf

Christiane Uhlig, John B. Kirkpatrick, Steven D'Hondt, and Brice Loose

Data sets

Methane concentration and stable isotope ratios in seawater and sea ice, Utqiagvik shelf, Alaska C. Uhlig and B. Loose

Methane oxidation in Arctic seawater, Utqiagvik, Alaska C. Uhlig and B. Loose

Short summary
To improve global budgets of the greenhouse gas methane, we studied methane consumption in sea-ice-covered Arctic seawater. The microbes using methane were present in abundances < 1 % in the seawater and sea ice. They consumed methane at rates increasing with increasing methane concentrations. In addition, differences in the methane concentrations and in the types of microbes between the ice and water indicate different microbial or physical processes in the two environments.
Final-revised paper