Articles | Volume 15, issue 14
Research article
20 Jul 2018
Research article |  | 20 Jul 2018

Fungi regulate the response of the N2O production process to warming and grazing in a Tibetan grassland

Lei Zhong, Shiping Wang, Xingliang Xu, Yanfen Wang, Yichao Rui, Xiaoqi Zhou, Qinhua Shen, Jinzhi Wang, Lili Jiang, Caiyun Luo, Tianbao Gu, Wenchao Ma, and Guanyi Chen


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Short summary
Soil fungi could be the main source of N2O production potential in the Tibetan alpine grasslands. Warming and winter grazing may not affect the potential for soil N2O production potential, but climate warming can alter biotic pathways responsible for N2O production. These findings indicate that characterizing how fungal nitrification–denitrification contributes to N2O production, as well as how it responds to environmental and land use changes, can advance our understanding of N cycling.
Final-revised paper