Articles | Volume 15, issue 18
Research article
19 Sep 2018
Research article |  | 19 Sep 2018

Greenhouse gas emissions from boreal inland waters unchanged after forest harvesting

Marcus Klaus, Erik Geibrink, Anders Jonsson, Ann-Kristin Bergström, David Bastviken, Hjalmar Laudon, Jonatan Klaminder, and Jan Karlsson


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Short summary
Forest management is widely used to mitigate climate change. However, forest greenhouse gas (GHG) budgets neglect to consider that clear-cuts often release carbon and nitrogen into streams and lakes and may affect aquatic GHG emissions. Here, we show that such emissions remain unaffected by experimental boreal forest clear-cutting despite increased groundwater carbon dioxide and methane concentrations, highlighting that riparian zones or in-stream processes may have buffered clear-cut leachates.
Final-revised paper