Articles | Volume 16, issue 7
Research article
16 Apr 2019
Research article |  | 16 Apr 2019

Estimation of emissions from biomass burning in China (2003–2017) based on MODIS fire radiative energy data

Lifei Yin, Pin Du, Minsi Zhang, Mingxu Liu, Tingting Xu, and Yu Song


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Short summary
Biomass burning is an important source of trace gases and aerosols in China, with a significant contribution from small-sized crop residue fires. Compared with conventional methods for emission estimation, the approach based on fire radiative energy (FRE) provides a more reasonable estimate for small-fire emissions. By using FRE data derived from satellites, we developed a long-term biomass burning emission inventory for China with a higher resolution (daily, 1 km) than previous studies.
Final-revised paper